Tuesday, August 25, 2020
25 Coups de Plume
25 Coups de Plume 25 Coups de Plume 25 Coups de Plume By Mark Nichol What, precisely, is an overthrow, and what number of sorts of upsets are there? This post depicts an assortment of expressions utilizing the word, in addition to a variety of related terms. Overthrow, a word for an unexpected strong or potentially splendid act it additionally fills in as a truncation of â€Å"coup d’ã ©tat†originates from the French word upset, which means â€Å"stroke†or â€Å"blow†; eventually, it’s from the Greek expression kolaphos by method of the Latin getting colaphos. Not many of the accompanying articulations have been generally embraced into English, however they’re all accessible for strict as well as colloquial use: 1. Overthrow la porte (â€Å"knock on the door†): a sign or gathering 2. Overthrow bas (â€Å"low blow†): an underhanded move 3. Overthrow d’archet (â€Å"stroke of the bow†): contact of the bow with at least one strings on a violin or a comparable instrument 4. Overthrow d’chance (â€Å"stroke of luck†): a lucky occasion 5. Overthrow d’eclat (â€Å"stroke of glory†): a great accomplishment 6. Upset d’ã ©tat (â€Å"stroke of state†): the oust of a national government by an administration group as a rule, components of the nation’s military 7. Overthrow d’oeil (â€Å"stroke of the eye†): a study taken initially 8. Overthrow de coeur (â€Å"blow to the heart†): an extreme however brief enthusiasm 9. Overthrow de colored pencil (â€Å"stroke of the pencil†): a statement of aesthetic imagination 10. Overthrow de destin (â€Å"blow of fate†): a heartbreaking occasion 11. Overthrow de foudre (â€Å"stroke of lightning†): a startling abrupt occasion; additionally, unexplainable adoration 12. Overthrow de glotte (â€Å"stroke of the glottis†): a strategy in singing and talking procedure in which the glottis, the space between the vocal folds, is unexpectedly controlled by strong withdrawal 13. Upset de grã ¢ce (â€Å"stroke of mercy†): a blow or shot to end the enduring of a mortally injured individual or creature; a metaphorically comparable act; or an unequivocal demonstration, occasion, or stroke 14. Upset de l’amitiã © (â€Å"stroke of friendship†): one (drink) for the street 15. Upset de fundamental (â€Å"stroke of the hand†): an unexpected, full-scale assault, or help 16. Upset de tuft (â€Å"stroke of the pen†): a clever or amazing manner of expression 17. Upset de poing (â€Å"stroke of the fist†): a punch, or a stun 18. Upset de pouce (â€Å"stroke of the thumb†): some assistance, or a push 19. Upset de repos (â€Å"stroke of rest†): a chess move in which a player gets ready for a blow against the player’s rival 20. Upset de sang (â€Å"stroke of blood†): outrageous annoyance 21. Upset de th㠩ã ¢tre (â€Å"stroke of theater)†: an abrupt contort in a phase play’s content, or, all in all, an unexpected unforeseen development or an abrupt impact; additionally, a fruitful stage creation 22. Overthrow du ciel (â€Å"stroke from heaven†): unexpected favorable luck 23. Overthrow dur (â€Å"stroke of trouble): an extreme blow, or something hard to acknowledge 24. Overthrow en traã ®tre (â€Å"stroke of treachery†): a betray 25. Overthrow montã © (â€Å"stroke of fitting†): a casing up or con Numerous different expressions and articulations incorporate the word overthrow; those recorded above are only the greater part of them that start with it. Among the others are overthrow pour upset (â€Å"blow for blow,†or â€Å"tit for tat†) and overthrow sur upset (â€Å"in brisk succession,†or â€Å"time after time†). Overthrow shows up in different uses, and related terms flourish. An overthrow injury is one in which the head strikes an article, making injury the cerebrum; the going with countercoup injury to the mind happens when the head strikes a fixed item, making the mind sway against the skull too. Checking overthrow is the demonstration of ruling or vanquishing an adversary in single battle without causing injury; in some Native American societies, a warrior won such eminence by striking an adversary or a foe position with a hand, a weapon, or an upset stick, or by taking an opponent’s weapon or his pony. Achievement in tallying upset, which required the honoree to pull back without injury, was recognized by indents trim in the overthrow stick or hawk plumes worn in the honoree’s hair. Coupage has four unmistakable implications: mixing two kinds of wine to change flavor, blending drugs in with different substances, expelling hair from a cover up, and tapping on the chest to help remove emissions, for example, in treatment for tuberculosis. Decoupage, disconnected to any of these faculties, depicts enhancement of an article with paper patterns and different materials. Different terms with the root word upset incorporate recover, which initially implied â€Å"to deduct,†however now the general sense is of remuneration for a misfortune, and beaucoup, a French expression meaning â€Å"many, an extraordinary number.†The last entered general use in American English by method of military faculty who had served in Vietnam, which had as of not long ago been a piece of French Indochina. Coupã ©, the word for a kind of carriage and, later, a style of vehicle, is connected; the sense is of something cut (with a stroke) down to a littler size. In this way, as well, is coupon, from the French word for â€Å"piece.†They are related with the action word adapt, every now and again found in the expression â€Å"cope with†and meaning â€Å"deal with challenges†and, less regularly, â€Å"prevail in battle or competition.†An adapting saw, in the interim, is an apparatus with a little, flimsy, saw edge set in a U-molded casing, and a coppice (additionally rendered hedge) is a shrubbery of trees developed for cutting. Need to improve your English quickly a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Vocabulary class, check our well known posts, or pick a related post below:4 Types of Gerunds and Gerund PhrasesDifference among Squeezing and IroningHonorary versus Honourary
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Free Essays on Knowing Oneself
Exposition Realizing oneself is troublesome. A few people can comprehend a piece of themselves in the range of their lifetime. Most are absolutely dumbfounded of which they are. It is a blessing on the off chance that one can disentangle the riddle of his persona. I see myself as fortunate that I have a thought of who I am. Acting naturally can be both satisfying and unpleasant on the grounds that every one of my characteristics has its great and awful impacts. Being hyperactive is a major in addition to however it additionally has its downsides. To certain individuals, hyper animation implies being agreeable yet to some it implies tumult. At the point when a hyperactive individual converses with somebody, he makes the person in question giggle or get delighted, the others get irritated. This characteristic of mine caused me to gain a great deal of companions however some vibe diverse on how I act. Possibly they’re simply envious. Having a receptive outlook improves everything much. Individuals think that its simpler to move toward you and open up their emotions. It additionally makes connections simpler to deal with. Another result would learn different things through others. Then again, this characteristic can likewise pull one down. Various individuals don’t acknowledge liberality. They believe that liberal individuals are load and obscene. Inventiveness is a factor of accomplishment. One can accomplish an objective easily in the event that one is imaginative in their works. Numerous individuals are perceived in light of their exceptional style and way of getting things done. In any case, desirous individuals disrupt the general flow. It is a gift to have abilities and innovativeness. These individuals pull the ones on top just to settle the score. One of my awful qualities is being aggravated effectively in specific circumstances. Once in a while I get irritated effectively and get distraught. An abrupt eruption of wrath fills me and this overpowers me. This makes me yell, be grouchy and now and again calm. I realize this is awful yet it is difficult to control. Once you’re like that, it remains in your framework. Some are killed in view of this unlikable trademark however I attempt to clarify that I simply had a hot head that time. Finally, being hands... Free Essays on Knowing Oneself Free Essays on Knowing Oneself Paper Realizing oneself is troublesome. A few people can comprehend a piece of themselves in the range of their lifetime. Most are absolutely dumbfounded of which they are. It is a blessing in the event that one can unwind the puzzle of his persona. I view myself as fortunate that I have a thought of who I am. Acting naturally can be both satisfying and distressing on the grounds that every one of my qualities has its great and terrible impacts. Being hyperactive is a major in addition to yet it likewise has its disadvantages. To certain individuals, hyper animation implies being cordial however to some it implies confusion. At the point when a hyperactive individual converses with somebody, he makes the person in question chuckle or get interested, the others get irritated. This characteristic of mine caused me to obtain a great deal of companions yet some vibe distinctive on how I act. Perhaps they’re simply desirous. Having a receptive outlook improves everything much. Individuals think that its simpler to move toward you and open up their sentiments. It additionally makes connections simpler to deal with. Another result would learn different things through others. Then again, this characteristic can likewise pull one down. Various individuals don’t acknowledge liberality. They imagine that receptive individuals are load and profane. Inventiveness is a factor of progress. One can accomplish an objective easily on the off chance that one is imaginative in their works. Numerous individuals are perceived in view of their one of a kind style and way of getting things done. Notwithstanding, jealous individuals disrupt the general flow. It is a gift to have abilities and inventiveness. These individuals pull the ones on top just to settle the score. One of my awful characteristics is being bothered effectively in specific circumstances. In some cases I get irritated effectively and get frantic. An abrupt explosion of fierceness fills me and this overpowers me. This makes me yell, be grumpy and on occasion calm. I realize this is terrible yet it is difficult to control. Once you’re like that, it remains in your framework. Some are killed on account of this unlikable trademark yet I attempt to clarify that I simply had a hot head that time. Ultimately, being hands...
Sunday, August 2, 2020
The Definitive Guide on How to Write A Lab Report
The Definitive Guide on How to Write A Lab Report In this blog, we are going to share with you the best and most effective ways of how to write a lab report. But before, we get started, lets have a look at the definition of the lab report. What is the Lab Report? Summary What is the Lab Report?Why is the Lab Report Important?Purpose of the Lab ReportThe Structure of a Lab ReportComponents of the Lab ReportProfits When You Purchase Lab Report OnlineExplain these stepsWhat words can you use in a lab reportWhat Factors Must You Study When Writing Your ReportConclusion Lab reports are a significant part of several classes in both college and high school. If you are studying sciences like physics, chemistry, or biology, you will inevitably be meeting such an assignment. Why is the Lab Report Important? Writing a lab report is generally an important part of the several laboratory courses and often an important part of the students score. If the laboratory teacher provides you a scheme, that you need to follow the way to write your lab report. Then you should follow that method. Some lab teachers necessitate the report to be involved in a lab notepad. For others, it has to be written individually. The writing of such a report aims an explanation of what you did in a lab test, what skills you developed, and what you learned. Purpose of the Lab Report The main purpose of the lab report is to communicate and organize what you did in your test. A good lab report explains accurately what you done. The Structure of a Lab Report A scientific lab report is a collective task for students taking biology or engineering classes. While doing those, they are obligatory not only to current raw data but also show theyre overall thoughts of the topic. It does not mean you must find the statistical data about the selected topic area and rewrite it in your report. There are several steps for structure the lab repost. Such as: AbstractIntroductionMethodsResultdiscussion Please explain these steps Components of the Lab Report Title Page: Not completely, the lab reports must take such title pages, but if your teacher has such an obligation, you must follow it. Introduction: This part has to contain a paragraph explanation of your lab activity purpose. Here, your obligation is to state your theory. Materials: In this part, you have to list everything that you required during your lab test. Methods: Define what steps you had to complete during your technical investigation. It is good knowledge to provide a diagram that visualizes your test. Discussion and analysis: In this part, you must give the arithmetical data which you achieved from your lab tests. Results: You must give a thorough explanation of what the data outcomes. Conclusions: It is a summary of your overall experience, that what occurred in your experiment. Graphs and Figures: Graphs and figures should both be labeled by a descriptive title References: If you did research established on someone else’s work, you take to list your references. Profits When You Purchase Lab Report Online Low prices, reductions, and accessories once you purchase lab reports or make several purchases.Expert writing, from skilled writers who are also skillful in technical and scientific disciplines.Quality and Speed; the experts work in the strictest deadlines and provide amazing quality.Easy order procedure. How to write an abstract for the lab report The abstract summarizes the important features of the complete paper. There are some steps to write the abstract for a lab report. Describe the key objective of the experiment;Classify all the main findings;Public the significance of your research; Explain these steps Once text an abstract for a lab report, you must keep it short and to the opinion insufficient impartial sentences matching the above structure are sufficient? What words can you use in a lab report Except for the overwritten style for your creative writing. Flowery, lyrical language is powerfully dejected when comprising lab reports. In its place, use clear, brief sentences that both the expert and the layperson may understand. Yes, this kind of writing may be a bit desiccated and tends to read like stereo commands, since it often defines specific procedures and processes. What Factors Must You Study When Writing Your Report A lab report is typically very methodical and follows a strict format. Ideally, your report must take a title page, a title, materials, results, outline, techniques, and data, the conversation and examination, and the inferences plus diagrams, tables, or figures in that order. There are extra questions that you may be obligatory to answer after the implementation of the report. Conclusion The above information provided will help you to solve your problem related to lab report writing. The given steps are very beneficial to get more information about how to write an effective lab report. If you are facing any kind of problem, write to the lab report, you may take advantage of our services. You can take help with writing the lab report from our company.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Telecommunication Is The Real Face Of The Advances Of...
Telecommunications Telecommunication is the real face of the advances in Information Technology (IT). In fact, the overwhelming advances that humankind has seen in the last decades in IT (internet, telephone, television and radio broadcasting, satellite communication) are effects of the advance of Telecommunications (normally the word is used in plural because it encompasses different types of means of transmission). From the electrical telegraph of Samuel Morse (1837) to the transmission of voice and image over the Internet (Skype, Hangout etc.), the Telecommunications has developed too much and affected the world and the human being behavior. Telecommunications means the transmission of information between two stations. Basically, a transmitter, a receiver and an electrical mean – channel – are enough to complete a telecommunication process. The channel can be a cable, electromagnetic waves or fiber optics. This system is interconnected in a very large network on which all communications in the world is done. A simple fixed telephone call, a cellphone call, a satellite transmission, an e-mail, a download of a music, everything is possible because of this network. Even though the main goal of this network is the communication, it can go beyond this. Actually, this large system supports the international trade, the online education, the exchanging of messages (e-mail, short message), the Internet, the bank transactions and many other services. Besides, a new kind ofShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Benefits of Modern Methods of Communication1466 Words  | 6 Pagescommunicate have changed significantly, and new technologies are increasingly being used for communication in everyday life. The barrier of connecting between one area and another area has decreased. Furthermore, the advantages of modern technologies are more convenient than in the past. 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This generation highlights because of the use of multiple technologies for example; fax, print cassettes, radio and videosRead MoreHow Distance Education Works And As Well1611 Words  | 7 Pagesmust be taken into account in pedagogy, learning and communication. We will also enter †¦the topic of analyzing the history of distance education and how resources have been evolved over time. Also we will have a look on all stages in the field of technology and how this was modifying, modernizing and facilitating distance learning. On the other hand we will provide an account of the contributions made by the internet to this modality. We will delve about the resources that have contributed the most
Monday, May 11, 2020
Taking a Look at the Cold War - 1243 Words
The Cold war The cold war began in 1945 and last till 1990.It involved many nation but the two main opponents were the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The cold war was a conventional power struggle between the two greatest military powers of the age . However; the Cold War was a struggle for world influence between two ways of life. The conflict in ideologies between capitalism and communism resulted in one of the greatest conflicts of the twentieth century ². The ideology that freedom and democracy would die under communist rule caused the United States to start a conflict that would last for decades. The decisions made by the United States in W.W.II also caused tensions to rise between the U. S. and the Soviet Union. The political relations going on in Europe during and directly after World War II had an enormous effect on laying the foundation for the Cold War. War time conferences such as Yalta and Terhran severed the relationship between the communists and the ca pitalists. At the end of W.W.II American policy towards the Soviets changed drastically. The change in president in 1945 caused relations with Russia to worsen. Furthermore, other political contributions to the Cold War entailed the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan. The division of Europe between the west and east drew physical borders which outlined that the war of misinformation that had began.. were in some war effected by, or a product of the clash of opposite ideologies thatShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at the Cold War1676 Words  | 7 PagesThe Cold War was a very scary and very horrible time between two countries after post war and each side was a very strong and had a lot of power:the USA and the USSA .At that time when everything was in tense there were some things,which they wanted to increase pulses between both the East and West but none of them where affect weapons of mass distractions was involved. In most tense moments of the Cold War was time when were due to the associate nuclear weapons.The fears of the new nuclear weaponsRead MoreTaking a Look at the Cold War996 Words  | 4 Pagesof World War II in the summer of 1945. The Soviet Union and the United States, having been on the Allies fighting against the Axis, were both victorious world superpowers at the end of WWII. With conflicting government systems (on one side socialism and on the other democracy) however, these two nations would fight a cold war for the next few decades in hope of making their rule secure. This would shape America’s foreign and domestic policy for the next few decades and define the Cold War presidentsRead MoreTaking a Look at the Cold War786 Words  | 3 PagesThe Cold War The Cold War was a time after World War II, so from 1945 to 1991, where the USA (United States of America) and the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) had very different views on what the new world should be like. The Cold War drew international interest for decades. Many major conflicts occurred. The conflicts consisted of the Vietnam War, the Korean War and many others. For most people though, the Cold War was about the creation and the use of weapons of mass destruction,Read MoreTaking a Look at the Cold War1237 Words  | 5 Pagescovering is the Cold War and question number six. The Roosevelt Administration was determined to avoid a retreat like the one that followed WWI. The United States itself had sole possession of the atomic bomb. The United States goal was to expand democracy. America saw that there needed to be global economic reconstruction. The Soviets looked to model the rest of the world after their own values and origins. It indeed had to do with Soviet E xpansion. The Russians didn’t want to go to war with the UnitedRead MoreTaking a Look at the Cold War633 Words  | 2 Pagesattack on Pearl Harbor and United State’s involvement in World War II, we remained an isolationist country. Once World War II ended, the United States left isolationism behind and began a quest to abolish communism during the Cold War, involving many nations. Although the success of the containment policy in South America and Asia was not identical, each were beneficial in decreasing communism during the Cold War. Throughout the Cold War, communistic governments were rising all over the world. In SouthRead MoreTaking a Look at the Cold War574 Words  | 2 PagesFollowing World War II, relations between the United States and the Soviet Union quickly deteriorated as both countries began to question the other country’s leader and political system. This mistrust would eventually lead to the Cold War, which lasted until the collapse of the USSR in 1991. The Cold War consisted of no direct fighting, however each country was prepared for war with nuclear weapons. As Stalin began to lead the Soviet Union into Communism, Americans began to fear the possibility ofRead MoreA Social Examination On The Cold War969 Words  | 4 Pagestakes a social examination on the war against communism in the book, Homeward Bound: American Families in the Cold War Era. May portrays the idea that the nuclear family structure was a way to amplify resistance against communism. The exterior threat of communism during the postwar and the Cold War era caused for interrelationships within marriages to become a longer and more stable environment. Compared to the previous book we read as a class, May takes a deeper look into history and finds geopoliticalRead MoreThe Cold War And The Soviet Union After World War II874 Words  | 4 PagesThe Cold War was a direct result of the feud between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II. Due to this feud both countries made alliances, Canada went with the United States as well as many other countries and together formed NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Following the influence and model of the United States’ social structure and capitalist economy, as well as the constant threat of nuclear warfare and communism, a new social structure was created within CanadaRead MoreStructural Realism After The Cold War853 Words  | 4 PagesIn examining Kenneth Waltz s â€Å"Structural Realism after the Cold War,†1 and Andrew Moravcsik s â€Å"Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Politics,†2 it is clear that theories presented in each (Realism and Liberalism) are at odds with one another in many ways. But why did the authors reach the conclusions they did about the way that states behave in the international system? This paper seeks to answer that question. In â€Å"Structural Realism...†Waltz defends his theory of StructuralRead MorePros And Cons Of The Space Race1669 Words  | 7 Pagesspace race and who was involved? P, 3 o Nasa p. 4 o when did it occur p. 5 o COLD WAR p. 6 o pro’s and con’s p. 7 8 o Was it worthwile p. 9 o Bibliography
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ambassadors Free Essays
Jenya Mavromati Panayiotis Karafotias IREL-480-9 For my paper I decided to write about the ambassadors of Denmark, The United States of America and Uruguay. His Excellency Mr. Tom Norring, the ambassador of Denmark, was one of the ambassador’s to come this semester. We will write a custom essay sample on Ambassadors or any similar topic only for you Order Now He decided to focus his speech not on his country but more on the global financial crisis and how it affected Greek economy. He said that even without the crisis the situation in Greece would have been messy. Despite the fact that Maastricht Treaty allows the GDP deficit in European countries not more than 3% Greece had deficit 6-7%. Ambassador said that in 2006-2007 the government of Kostas Karamanlis managed to restrain the deficit to the acceptable level, but later in 2008 they failed. Karamanlis hoped that he would be reelected and he promised to restrain the deficit, but people lost faith in him. Later George Papandreou revealed the new information about the deficit. The deficit for that time was not 8% but 12%. And thus the rescue program was established by the European Union. So Greece took course to the EU and the IMF. They wanted a hard cash and the EU and IMF tried to help with it. Then the restructuring fund was established. The public expenses had to be cut. As ambassador said â€Å"Greece has one of the biggest public administrations†and the cutting of public sector expenses will help to decrease the deficit. He also pointed out that 25% of Greek economy is black economy. The only one thing which he said about his country was that the Denmark is not the part of Eurozone. One of the reasons I enjoyed the speech of Danish ambassador was because he seemed very honest when talking about the topic. When giving his speech, he gave personal examples and continuously referred to the audience. The second ambassador was the ambassador of Uruguay, his Excellency Mr. Jose Luis Pombo Morales. He decided to focus his speech on his country and its relations with Greece and other European countries. Mr. Jose Luis Pombo Morales, talked about political system in Uruguay, that it is a representative democratic republic with a presidential system. Also, he told us that, the members of government are elected for a five-year terms by a universal suffrage system. Uruguay is a unitary state: justice, education, health, security, foreign policy, defence are all administered nationwide. The Executive Power is exercised by the president and a cabinet of 13 ministers. Plus to that, Mr. Ambassador talked about Uruguay as one of the biggest wool and meat exporter to the EU countries. Mr. Jose Luis Pombo, told the audience, that Uruguay is one of the most economically developed countries in South America, with a high GDP per capita and the 52nd highest quality of life index in the world. Uruguay is rated as the 2nd least corrupt country in Latin America (behind Chile), although Uruguay scores considerably better than Chile on domestic polls of corruption perception. Its political and labour conditions are the highest level of freedom on the continent. The third ambassador, I want to talk about, is the ambassador of the United States of America, his Excellency Mr. Daniel Smith. Ambassador focused his speech on Greek- Turkish relations and financial crisis. His speech was very diplomatic, and tried to keep neutrality, when some students asked him questions about problems in Libya and Greek-Turkish conflicts. But, Mr. Smith, gave very clear idea, about the USA and its foreign relations. Also How to cite Ambassadors, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The Kurds A Nation Without A State Essay Example For Students
The Kurds A Nation Without A State Essay Introduction Of all the ethnic groups in the world, the Kurds are one of the largestthat has no state to call their own. According to historian WilliamWestermann, The Kurds can present a better claim to race puritythanany people which now inhabits Europe. (Bonner, p. 63, 1992) Over thepast hundred years, the desire for an independent Kurdish state hascreated conflicts mainly with the Turkish and Iraqi populations in theareas where most of the Kurds live. This conflict has importantgeographical implications as well. The history of the Kurdish nation,the causes for these conflicts, and an analysis of the situation will bediscussed in this paper. We will write a custom essay on The Kurds A Nation Without A State specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now History of the Kurds The Kurds are a Sunni Muslim people living primarily in Turkey, Iraq,and Iran. The 25 million Kurds have a distinct culture that is not atall like their Turkish, Persian, and Arabic neighbors (Hitchens, p. 36,1992). It is this cultural difference between the groups thatautomatically creates the potential for conflict. Of the 25 millionKurds, approximately 10 million live in Turkey, four million in Iraq,five million in Iran, and a million in Syria, with the rest scatteredthroughout the rest of the world (Bonner, p. 46, 1992). The Kurds alsohave had a long history of conflict with these other ethnic groups inthe Middle East, which we will now look at. The history of Kurds in the area actually began during ancient times. However, the desire for a Kurdish homeland did not begin until the early1900s, around the time of World War I. In his Fourteen Points,President Woodrow Wilson promised the Kurds a sovereign state (Hitchens,p. 54, 1992). The formation of a Kurdish state was supposed to havebeen accomplished through the Treaty of Sevres in 1920 which said thatthe Kurds could have an independent state if they wanted one (Bonner, p. 46, 1992). With the formation of Turkey in 1923, Kemal Ataturk, the newTurkish President, threw out the treaty and denied the Kurds their ownstate. This was the beginning of the Turkish-Kurdish conflict. At about this same time, the Kurds attempted to establish asemi-independent state, and actually succeeded in forming the Kingdom ofKurdistan, which lasted from 1922-1924; later, in 1946, some of theKurds established the Mahabad Republic, which lasted for only one year(Prince, p. 17, 1993). In 1924, Turkey even passed a law banning theuse of the Kurdish language in public places. Another group of people to consider is the Kurds living in Iraq. Majorconflict between the Kurds and Iraqis did not really begin until 1961,when a war broke out that lasted until 1970. Around this time, SaddamHussein came to power in Iraq. In 1975, Hussein adopted a policy oferadicating the Kurds from his country. Over the next fifteen years,the Iraqi army bombed Kurdish villages, and poisoned the Kurds withcyanide and mustard gas (Hitchens, p. 46, 1992). It is estimated thatduring the 1980s, Iraqis destroyed some 5000 Kurdish villages (Prince,p. 22, 1993). From this point, we move into the recent history a ndcurrent state of these conflicts between the Kurds and the Turks, andthe Kurds against the Iraqis. Causes for Conflict The reasons for these conflicts have great relevance to geography. Theareas of geography relating to these specific conflicts are a historicalclaim to territory on the part of the Kurds, cultural geography,economic geography, and political geography. These four areas ofgeography can best explain the reasons for these Kurdish conflicts. First, the Kurds have a valid historical claim to territory. They havelived in the area for over 2000 years. For this reason, they desire theestablishment of a Kurdish homeland. Iraqis and Turks, while living inthe area for a long period of time, cannot make a historical claim tothat same area. The conflict arises, however, because the area happensto lie within the borders of Iraq and Turkey. Even though the Kurdsclaim is valid, the Turks and Iraqis have chosen to ignore it and havetried to wipe out the Kurds. Second, and probably most important, is that this conflict involvescultural geography. The Kurds are ethnically and culturally differentfrom both the Turks and the Iraqis. They speak a different language,and while all three groups are Muslim, they all practice differentforms. The Kurds have used this cultural difference as a reason toestablish a homeland. However, the Turks and Iraqis look at thecontrast in ethnicity in a much different sense. The government ofTurkey viewed a ny religious or ethnic identity that was not their own tobe a threat to the state (Time to Talk Turkey, p. 9, 1995). SaddamHussein believed that the Kurds were in the way in Iraq and heperceived them as a threat to the glory of the Arabs (Hitchens, p. 46,1992). For this reason, he carried out his mass genocide of the Kurdsin his country. .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db , .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db .postImageUrl , .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db , .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db:hover , .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db:visited , .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db:active { border:0!important; } .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db:active , .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udc0b22411fd4f40f13d331b9cad016db:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Guy Fawkes Essay A third factor in these conflicts is economic geography. The areas ofIraq, Iran, Turkey, and Syria that the Kurds live in is calledKurdistan, shown on the map Confrontation in Kurdistan (Hitchens,1992, p.37, map). Kurdistan is a strategically important area for bothTurkey and Iraq because it contains important oil and water resourceswhich they cannot afford to lose (Hitchens, p. 49, 1992). Also, therehas been no significant economic activity in the region, due to thetrade embargo against Iraq that has been in place since 1991 (Prince, p. 22, 1993). Still, an independent Kurdish state would be economicallyviable and would no longer have an embargo placed against it. A final cause of the conflict is political geography. The Turks andIraqis do not wish to lose their control over Kurdistan, and haveresorted to various measures such as the attacks previously described. The Kurds, on the other hand, have political problems of their own. There is a sharp difference of opinion between the two main Kurdishpolitical parties, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), and thePatriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) (Hitchens, p. 36, 1992). The partiesare at odds about how to resolve the conflicts in which their people areinvolved. Until this internal conflict among the Kurds is solved, itwill be difficult for them to deal with the Turks and Iraqis. Recent History and the Current Situation In 1991, after the defeat of his country in the Persian Gulf War,Saddam Hussein had the Iraqi army attack the Kurds again. As a result,the United States and its allies launched Operation Provide Comfort inApril 1991 that created a safe haven for the Kurds in Iraqi Kurdistan. Eventually, the Kurds were able to secure a small measure of autonomyin Kurdistan and on May 19, 1992, the Kurds held their first freeelections in Iraq (Prince, p. 17, 1992). The Kurds had sovereignty inpart of Kurdistan, called Free Kurdistan, but not to the point of beingrecognized as an independent state. Seeing how the Kurds in Iraq wereable to hold elections, the Turks got scared and banned the PeoplesLabor Party, a legal Kurdish party in Turkey, from the TurkishParliament (Marcus, p. 9, 1994). In Turkey, a civil war between the Kurds and Turks has been going onfor the last ten years; approximately 15,000 people have been killed sofar (Time to Talk Turkey, p. 9, 1995). The Turks launched an invasionthey called Operation Steel against the Kurds in March 1995, sending35,000 troops against them, but the plan backfired, as only 158 Kurdishrebels were killed in the first week (Possant, Doxey, Borrus, p. 57,1995). To sum up the Turks attitude toward the Kurds, Tansu Ciller, theTurkish prime minister, said, Turkey has no Kurdish problem, only aterrorist problem (Marcus, p. 9, 1994). As far as the United States is concerned, Kurdistan probably should notexist. During Operation Provide Comfort, the U.S. helped out the Kurdsin Iraq, but did nothing to help the Kurds in Turkey. The reason forthis is that Turkey is a NATO ally, while Iraq is one of the U.S.sworst enemies (Marcus, p. 9, 1994) By helping out the Kurds, the U.S. would be siding with enemies of the Turks, which could create problemsthat the U.S. government would rather not deal with. This type ofsituation does not exist in Iraq, however, since the U.S. is not onfriendly terms with Husseins regime. There are two main views on how to deal with the conflicts. The KDP,led by Masoud Baranzi, seeks limited political autonomy within Iraq(Hitchens, p. 36, 1992). Interestingly, many Kurds would accept being astate of Iraq, holding some autonomy, provided that Hussein was removedfrom power, a democracy was installed, and the Kurds were treated asequals (Bonner, p. 65, 1992). This means that some of the Kurds do notbelieve it is absolutely necessary that they have their own state, onlythat they are recognized as equals by the Iraqi government. On theother hand, Jalal Talabanias PUK says that the Kurds should hold outfor more political concessions from Iraq (Hitchens, p. 36, 1992). It ispossible that they would try to use guerrilla warfare tactics tofri ghten the Iraqi army into meeting its demands. .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201 , .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201 .postImageUrl , .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201 , .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201:hover , .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201:visited , .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201:active { border:0!important; } .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201:active , .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201 .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u77705c67283b0a5d9caafc16304bb201:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Fences EssayAnalysis: Looking Ahead to the Future Looking at the current state of the conflict, the end does not seem tobe near. On one hand, the Kurds have been struggling to gain theirindependence for a number of years, and even though they have beenlocked in a ten year guerrilla war with the Turks, have come too far tostop fighting and accept the harsh treatment they have received from theTurks and Iraqis. Even though Turkey has lost a large number of troopsdealing with the perceived Kurdish menace, they do have the support ofthe U.S., and that in itself seems to be a good enough reason to keepthe war going. As for the situation in Iraq, the situation is a bit more complicated. The plan of KDP seems like a plausible solution. However, the plan isnot likely to succeed until Hussein dies or is forced out of power. TheIraqis also do not seem very willing to give up their territory to theKurds. The plan of the PUK has a small chance to work, assuming thatguerrilla tactics would scare the Iraqi government. By simply holdingout, the Kurds would gain nothing, because the Iraqis are not threatenedby the Kurds per se. However, by attacking the Iraqis, the Kurds runthe risk of a counterattack which they probably could not effectivelydeal with. Basically, that would make the situation for the Kurds evenworse than before. Conclusion Without the support of a large powerful nation such as the U.S., theKurds will probably never establish an independent Kurdish state. TheKurds do not have enough military power to fight off the Turks andIraqis without help. The Iraqis and Turks would not be willing to giveup their economically important territory to people which they perceivea threat to their way of life and will most likely continue to fightthe Kurds. The Kurds have no choice but to continue fighting untileither they or the Turks and Iraqis are defeated, as both groups areunwilling to allow them to remain in their countries. The futuredefinitely looks bleak for the Kurds.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
War time Conferences essays
War time Conferences essays In August 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill met secretly in the Atlantic Sea abroad a warship anchored in a secure anchorage at Argentina, Newfoundland (located on Placentia Bay). Roosevelt had traveled to Argentina aboard the heavy cruiser USS Augusta while Churchill made the journey across the Atlantic aboard the battleship HMS Prince of Wales. The conference was from August 9th to the 12th. The reason for the conference was for a strategy of the war against the Axis. This conference leads to the Atlantic Charter. There were 8 points of the charter. The eight points are no territorial gains are sought by the United States or the United Kingdom, territorial adjustments must conform to the people involved, people have right to choose own government, trade barriers lowered, there must be disarmament, there must be freedom from want and fear, there must be freedom of the seas, and there must be an association of nations. Before the conferen ce FDR had proposed a lend lease for Britain to payback in goods and services because at the time they didnt have the money to pay for war materials and also for not having huge intergovernmental loans. The Atlantic Charter was eventually signed by 15 countries including the Soviet Union and proved to be the one of the first steps for the formation of the United Nations. From January 14 to January 24, 1943, the first war conference between the Allied Powers was held in Casablanca, Morocco. Roosevelt and Churchill attended the conference. Joseph Stalin leader of Russia at the time was not invited because neither Churchill nor Roosevelt had on the agenda anything to do with the Eastern Front. This failure to invite Stalin did a great deal to confirm in Stalins mind, his belief that war plans were being made without his participation and behind his back and he did not agree with this. This suspicion between the Allies continued for the followin...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
A Quick Guide to Encourage Your Child to Read
A Quick Guide to Encourage Your Child to Read How can you encourage your child, whether a beginning reader or a reluctant reader, to read childrens books on a regular basis? Here are some ideas that may help. Simple Tips to Encourage Reading Make a habit of reading to your child every day, whether she is a one-year-old or a 10-year-old.When your child is able, have him read to you. You can take turns reading chapters in a simple chapter book, for example.Get a library card for your child. Go to the library every week and take out several books.Be aware of your childs interests and direct your child to related books.Try to find a series that she really likes and will want to continue reading.Provide a comfortable reading area, with good lighting, in your home.Discuss books with your child.If your child is a reluctant reader and not reading on grade level, buy her hi/lo books (books with a high-interest level, low vocabulary).Talk to your childs teacher and ask for suggestions.If your child responds well to incentives and enjoys using the computer, enroll in an online book group (with your supervision).If your child really enjoys a particular author, check with your librarian about other authors or books he might enjoy.Chi ldren also often enjoy the opportunity to read childrens magazines. Main Takeaways Basically, you want to stay on the side of encouraging rather than nagging if you want your child to read and love doing it. Nothing puts a child off faster than feeling forced to do something, so be careful. The importance of reading to your child daily cannot be emphasized enough so make it a priority. Also, be consistent with reading aloud together, trips to the library and other encouraging activities. Finally, if your child is in a preteen or entering middle school, the article Middle School, Reading and Tweens: Motivate Your Preteen to Read is a useful and informative resource.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Busi man Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Busi man - Essay Example The customers can stir the direction of the growth of an organization, and so it is up to the management and how the employees’ commitment to satisfy the customers, are being stressed and practiced that can ensure the upward direction in the progress of the company. Customer’s satisfaction is best achieved when there is conscious effort on the part of management to deliver the quality of service that the customers would expect. On the other hand, management should be well aware, that there are various kinds of customers. Naturally, they should cater only to the kind of customers who can bring about profit to the company. Those are the customers who have the capacity to pay the price of the services or products that will be made available to them and at the same time, they should look for the customers who are in need of the products that a company can provide. There are customers who go about complaining, but in reality, have no intention of letting go of their hard-ear ned money, unless they can haggle for the cheapest price. In this instance, it would be best that management is convinced that they are proud of the services that they can provide, and also best to remember that he who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away . The most splendid achievement of all is the constant striving to surpass oneself and to be worthy of personal approval. Many times, management fails to satisfy the customers. This is where customers’ expectations come into play. The customers usually know what they desire in the services that they expect, and the perception of the quality of service that one company provides is relative, because customers differ from one another, and no matter how a company would try, it is simply impossible to please everyone. The customers would normally compare the products or services, based on
Monday, February 3, 2020
What you learned Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
What you learned - Assignment Example And Aristotle was also the one who had pointed on mimesis in human nature, so things can be learned on examples. After studding philosophy myself I think one should examine it to have a feeling he’s getting wiser and becoming more thoughtful and reasonable person. Felling of self-improving gives you dignity. And also philosophy gets thinking and questioning into a habit, so one will do less false and forced choices. I think following ethical goals in everyday life is necessary, because originally ethics is about rules and norms that keep society, compared to professional life where also professional ethics rules exist. According to Aristotle, ethics is about good actions. So I’m going to make actions in order to respect animal rights by not buying products made from natural animal’s skin and forming myself a habit to check if production was tested on animals. And I’m going to try to persuade my family and friends do the same by setting an example and by giving them knowledge why respecting animal rights in such way is good. Because like Plato, I think reasonable understanding what’s good is prerequisite for good
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Literature On Yoga And Dysmenorrhea
Literature On Yoga And Dysmenorrhea A great literature is chiefly a product of inquiring minds in revolt against the immovable certainities of nation - Mecken H.C. Literature serves a number of important functions in the research process. It helps the researcher to generate ideas or to focus on a research topic. It also can be useful in pointing out the research design, methodology, meaning of tools and type of statistical analysis that might be productive in pursuing the research problem. Review of literature of the present study is arranged under the following headings. Review related to dysmenorrhea Studies related to dysmenorrhea Review related to yoga Studies related to yoga on stress and dysmenorrhea REVIEW RELATED TO DYSMENORRHEA DYSMENORRHEA Dysmenorrhea is a gynaecological medical condition characterized by severe uterine pain due to painful cramps during menstruation. Menstrual cramps usually last from a few hours to several days and ease as the cycle progresses. TYPES OF DYSMENORRHEA Primary dysmenorrhea Secondary dysmenorrhea PRIMARY DYSMENORRHEA Primary dysmenorrhea means pain recurred regularly or within a year or two of the first puberty. SECONDARY DYSMENORRHEA It is associated with gynecological disorders such as endometriosis or pelvic abnormalities. Pain begins years after periods started. Secondary dysmenorrhea can be caused by the following: Endometriosis. Blood and tissue being discharged through a narrow cervix. Uterine fibroid or ovarian cyst. Infections of the uterus. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Intrauterine device (IUD). PRIMARY DYSMENORRHEA The causes of primary dysmenorrhea are: Strong uterine contractions which is stimulated by increased production of the hormone prostaglandin by the lining of the uterus (endometrium). Anxiety and stress. Blood and tissue being discharged through a narrow cervix. Displaced uterus. Lack of exercise. Associated factors in primary dysmenorrhea Use of caffeine or nicotine. Stress. The degree of dysmenorrhea may vary according to general health or mental state. While emotional or psychological factors dont cause the pain, they can worsen it or cause some women to be less responsive to treatment. Family history of dysmenorrhea. Lack of exercise; poor diet. Signs and symptoms Diarrhea (occasionally) or constipation. Sweating. Nausea and vomiting (sometimes). Cramping sharp pains in the lower abdomen, lower back and thighs. Pain starts at the onset of menses and lasts for hours to days. Lack of energy. Urinary frequency. Irritability, nervousness, depression. Fainting. Headaches. Management Nutritional Nutritional supplements like omega-3 fatty acids (fat compounds found in oily fish, such as salmon and tuna), magnesium, vitamin E, zinc, and thiamine (vitamin B1) are effective in treating dysmenorrhea. Intake of plenty of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and avoiding saturated fats and commercial junk foods is also beneficial. Limiting salt may help to reduce bloating. Reduce caffeine, sugar, and alcohol intake will help in reducing the risk of dysmenorrhea. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) The pain of primary dysmenorrheal is relieved by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Aspirin is the most common NSAID Non-drug therapies Yoga Therapy, exercise, acupuncture, acupressure, behavioral therapy, Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) and chiropractic care are effective in treating dysmenorrhea. Yogic Management The pigeon pose, the hero pose the best way of calming the thoughts and relaxing the body and wide squat pose is very useful in reducing the hip pain. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) is a mode of treatment which uses low-level electrical pulses to suppress back pain. The standard approach is to give 80 to 100 pulses per second, for 45 minutes, three times a day. STUDIES RELATED TO DYSMENORRHEA Liliwat et al (2006) conducted a study to determine the prevalence of dysmenorrhea, its associated factors and its effects on school activities among adolescent girls in a secondary school in a rural district of Selangor, Malaysia. The prevalence of dysmenorrhea was 62.3%. It was significantly higher in the middle adolescence (15 to 17 years old) age group, girls with regular menstrual cycle and a positive family history. There was no significant association with mean age of menarche and duration of menstruation. The number of school and class absences increased with increasing severity of dysmenorrhea. The mean pain score was significantly higher in girls who reported to be unable to participate in sports and with poor concentration in class. Dysmenorrhea among the adolescent girls was found to be common. It had significant negative impact in their school performance and activities. Wilson et al (2003) stated that the majority of the female adolescents have been identified dysmenorrhea and premenstrual symptoms as problems that affect the academic performance and an important factor for school absenteeism. They surveyed eighty-eight female high school adolescents in two separate physical education classes at high school adolescents in Pune for the prevalence of dysmenorrhea and premenstrual symptoms. The results showed that 86% (76 out of 88) had premenstrual symptoms and 91% (80 out of 88) had dysmenorrhea and most of the girls were unaware of the causes and treatments of these symptoms. Subsequently, a model was designed to educate girls in self-help methods and to screen for and detect these problems. Dittakarn et al (2003) conducted a study to determine the prevalence of dysmenorrheal and its impact on school attendance, academic performance, social activities and knowledge of treatment in Thai adolescents. Dysmenorrhea was a significant public health problem. It had an impact on academic activities. Most of the subjects knew that Paracetamol is the drug that help to relief their symptoms. Anil K Agarwal Anju Agarwal (2002) conducted an explorative study to assess the prevalence of dysmenorrhea its severity with associated symptoms in high school adolescent girls of the age group within 15 to 20 years at Gwalior. They concluded that the prevalence of dysmenorrhea was 79.67% and majority of them, 37.96%, suffered regularly from dysmenorrhea severity. The three most common symptoms present on day before and first day of menstruation were lethargy, tiredness, depression, inability to concentrate in work. Wilson (2002) conducted a study to assess the prevalence of dysmenorrhea among adolescents of 14-16 years in Switzerland using questionnaire. Among 327 cases, 185 cases (56.6%) reported dysmenorrhea. Among them 95 (31.7%) had mild dysmenorrhea, 45(15%) had moderate dysmenorrhea and 17 (5.7%) had severe dysmenorrhea. Martin et al (2001) conducted a study to assess the prevalence and severity of dysmenorrhea among adolescents. A 95-item menstrual Assessment Form was administered to 207 suburban-based adolescent females in Turkey. Subjects had a mean age of 17.6 years, 89% were white, 59% were in high school, and 28% were in college. Almost all subjects reported dysmenorrhea (96%) or moderate (89%) severity; while many reported changes they considered severe (59%) or extreme (43%). The most commonly reported changes in physical condition were general discomfort, water retention symptoms, fatigue, and autonomic physical changes. The most commonly reported changes in mood and behavior included impaired social function, depressive changes, and impulsive behavior. These changes were most severe in those adolescents who reported having dysmenorrhea. Banikarim et al (2000) conducted a study to determine the prevalence of dysmenorrhea among Hispanic female adolescents its impact on academic performance, school attendance, and sports and social activities; and its management. A total of 706 Hispanic female adolescents, in grades nine to twelve, completed a 31-item questionnaire about the presence, duration, severity, treatment, and limitations of dysmenorrhea at a local urban high school. Dysmenorrhea was highly prevalent among Hispanic adolescents and was related to school absenteeism and limitations on social, academic, and sports activities. Most of the adolescents did not seek medical advice for dysmenorrhea. Hillen et al (1999) conducted a study to explore the prevalence of dysmenorrhea and its impact on school, sporting, social activities, management strategies, and their knowledge of available treatment among senior high school girls in Perth, Western Australia. A total of 388 female students in Grades 11 and 12 at three metropolitan secondary schools completed an anonymous questionnaire administered during class time. it was found that the prevalence and impact of dysmenorrhea was high, and they lack knowledge and experience of effective treatment. Health education measures were needed to prevent unnecessary suffering and interruption to school routine. REVIEW RELATED TO YOGA Introduction to yoga Yoga is becoming popular in all parts of the world. For the restless mind it gives solace; For the sick it is a boon; For the common man it is the fashion of the day to keep him fit and beautiful. Some use it for improving memory intelligence and creativity with its multifold advantages it is becoming a part of education. Specialists use it to unfold deeper layers of consciousness in their move towards perfection. Definition The term yoga comes from a Sanskrit word which means yoke or union. Traditionally, yoga is a method joining the individual self with the Divine, Universal Spirit, or Cosmic Consciousness. Physical and mental exercises are designed to help achieve this goal, also called self-transcendence or enlightenment. On the physical level, yoga postures, called asanas, are designed to tone, strengthen, and align the body. These postures are performed to make the spine supple, healthy and to promote blood flow to all the organs, glands, and tissues, keep all the systems of the body healthy. On the mental level, yoga uses breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation (dyana) to quiet, clarify, and discipline the mind. Purpose Yoga is used to alleviate problems associated with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, migraine headaches, asthma, shallow breathing, backaches, constipation, diabetes, menopause, multiple sclerosis, varicose veins, carpal tunnel syndrome and many chronic illnesses. It also has the ability to promote relaxation and reduce stress. As of late 2002, yoga is increasingly recommended for dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, and other disorders. Hatha yoga, a path of yoga is based on physical purification, strengthening and self-transformation. It encompasses a system of asanas (postures), which helps to promote mental and physical well-being, with particular emphasis on making the spine supple and healthy and increase circulation and allow the mind to focus and become free from distraction for long periods of meditation, along with pranayama (breath control). It is a highly developed system of nearly 200 physical postures, movements and breathing techniques designed to tune the body to its optimal health. Yoga counters menstrual problems Yoga encompasses breathing techniques which relaxes the body, which is helpful in relieving stress due menstruation. Performing the various positions in Yoga promotes body flexibility, the muscles become supple helps eliminating pain due to menstrual cramps and other causes. Yoga improves the well-being. Yoga teaches women not to focus too much on the problem, rather it teaches them to learn to accept the inevitable changes in life. Yoga, being a physical breathing exercise, promotes good blood circulation. As a result, menstrual cycle will not be a problem anymore, thus minimizing pain. Yogasanas effective in reducing dysmenorrhea and stress Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) is one of the very powerful backward bending asana in Hatha Yoga beneficial for people with lower back aches. This posture decreases stiffness in the lower back, enlarges the chest, and strengthens the arms and shoulders. This Asana is also good to combat menstrual irregularities, and helps relieve stress. It has a huge amount of benefits which cover all the body systems. In women it tones the ovaries and the uterus and helps to alleviate gynaecological disorders such as leucorrhea, dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea. Adho mukha Virasana (heros pose) reduces fat around the thighs calves. It improves the digestion quietens the mind and reduces tension and congestion in pelvic organs. Corpse Pose (Shavasana) the body parts are progressively stretched and relax muscles. It aids in complete relaxation. Dhanurasana strengthens the back muscles and gastro intestinal problems associated with menstruation. Pigeon pose opens the hips and help to prevent lower back pain. Wide squat pose opens tight hips, releases tension in the lower back and stretches out the muscles in the feet. STUDIES RELATED TO YOGA ON STRESS AND DYSMENORRHEA Berger et al (2009) conducted a study to assess the effect of yoga on wellbeing, stress due to dysmenorrhea among fourth and fifth-grade students in Bronx, New York. The majority of students participated in yoga reported enhanced wellbeing, as reflected by perceived improvements in behaviors such as strength, flexibility, balance. The results suggested that yoga is a preventive intervention as well as a means of relieving dysmenorrhea and stress. Hartfiel et al (2009) conducted a study to assess the effectiveness of yoga in enhancing emotional well-being and resilience to stress among university employees at Dru Education Centre, Snowdonia, United Kingdom. Six-week yoga intervention resulted in significant improvements in feelings of clear-mindedness, composure, elation, energy, and confidence. In addition, the yoga group reported increased life purpose and satisfaction, and feelings of greater self-confidence during stressful situations. It was concluded that even a short program of yoga was effective for enhancing emotional well-being and resilience to stress in the workplace. Laura (2008) said that stress due to dysmenorrhea can have an impact on students academic performance. He conducted a study to assess the impact of stress factors due to dysmenorrhea on college students academic performance. Twenty students of University of North Carolina at Charlotte participated in the study. They were asked to complete a survey, including the perceived stress scale. Most of the students reported inadequate sleep and absenteeism. Brown (2000) said that Dysmenorrhoea is characterized by cramping lower abdominal pain that may radiate to the lower back and upper thighs and is commonly associated with nausea, headache, fatigue and diarrhea. He conducted a study to assess the effectiveness of yoga therapy on dysmenorrhea at New Zealand. He found that yoga reduced the Moos Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MDQ) score during the menstrual phase (P Anice George, (1998) conducted a study to estimate the incidence of dysmenorrhea , relationship between stress and dysmenorrhea and the effect of planned yoga therapy for 12 weeks on dysmenorrhea and stress of adolescent girls in Karnataka state. An explorative survey technique was used for the first phase, and the second phase used evaluative approach with pre-test post-test control group design, where a 12 weeks yoga therapy was used as the intervention. She concluded that the incidence of dysmenorrhea was 87.87%. A significant positive correlation (r= 0.1275, P CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The conceptual framework of the present study was developed by the investigator based on Ludwig Von Bertanlanffys General System theory of learning (1968). A system is a set of interrelated parts that come together to form a Whole. Each part is necessary to make a complete, meaningful whole. This consists of components like, Input Throughput Output and Feedback. In the present study the adolescent girls were considered as an open system. The system uses input to maintain homeostasis. INPUT The first component of a system is input, which is the information, energy or matter, which enters a system. For a system to work well, input should contribute to achieve the purpose of the system. It refers to demographic data of adolescent girls (age, order of birth, religion and occupation of the mother or primary care giver), pre test level of stress during dysmenorrhea, level of dysmenorrhea and plan for yoga therapy. These factors are taken into consideration as input for assessing the level of dysmenorrhea, stress during dysmenorrhea of the adolescent girls. THROUGHPUT/ PROCESS It is the process that allows the input to be changed, so that it is useful to the system. The action needed to accomplish the desired task. The task is to implement yoga therapy and to assess the post test level of stress and dysmenorrhea. OUTPUT Based on the input and throughput, the system returns to the environment in an altered state, the end result of product of the system. Outputs vary widely depending on the type and purpose of the system affecting the environment. Therefore the output refers to the reduction of the stress and dysmenorrhea. Level of stress and dysmenorrhea was interpreted as no, mild, moderate, and severe. FEEDBACK It refers to determine whether or not the end result of the system has been achieved. Feed back emphasizes the effect of the input, throughput and output. It shows that, whether no stress or mild stress or moderate stress or severe stress, no dysmenorrhea or mild dysmenorrhea or moderate dysmenorrhea or severe dysmenorrhea is experienced by adolescent girls. FIGURE 1: CONCEPTUAL FRAME WORK INPUT OUTPUT PRE TEST Age of the adolescent girl Order if birth Religion Occupation of the mother or care giver CLINICAL VARIABLES Age at menarche Regularity of menstrual cycle Menstrual cycle Number of pads used per day use of medications Assessment of level of stress using perceived stress scale and the level of dysmenorrhea using menstrual distress checklist Plan for Yoga therapy THROUGHPUT FEEDBACK After the yoga therapy reduction in the level of stress and dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls POST TEST Assessment of level of stress and dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls using structured interview questionnaire.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Employment Rights and Responsibilities Essay
1.1 Below is a list of the aspects of employment covered by law: Minimum wage Hours worked Discrimination Health and safety Holiday entitlements Redundancy and dismissal Training Disciplinary procedures Union rights and consultation Maternity leave Read more: List the aspects of employment covered by law essay 1.2 Below is a list of the main features of current employment legislation Employment Act 1996 Equalities and Discrimination laws Employment Act 2008 Health and safety legislation at work Act 1974 1.3 Why do legislation relating to employment exists? The reason employment law exist is to stop the exploitation of workers by their employers, and to ensure that the employees rights are being followed. If these law didn’t exists them employer would be took advantage of and may not be treated correctly and fairly. The laws cover all aspects that could arise, weither this involves age, gender, disability. The laws protect employees from unfair bosses. if there wasn’t laws then there would be no rules, and companies could do whatever they want. These legislation are also in place to support employers. 1.4 Below are sources and types of information and advice available in relation to employment responsibilities and rights: There are many places you can get information from these could include: †¢Web sites †¢Books †¢Colleagues †¢Manager †¢Information leaflets †¢Citizens Advice Bureau †¢unions 2.1 Describe the terms and conditions of own contract of employment My contract of employment covers Job Location, as regards to where I am based in my employment. A job description, which describes the duties and responsibilities of my role as a care assistant , Probationary period, this confirms length of probationary period which is 3 month then a full contract will be offered , it will include what is expected of me within that period and also what happens at the end of the probationary period. A description of how much I will be paid, any possible pay raises dependant on gaining certain qualifications. Payroll procedures, this describes how I will be paid, how often and when I will be paid, pay slip information, about the company’s rights to make deductions if over paid or if you left and owed holiday/money for training or CRB. It will also include information about Hours, this is information on hours I am expected to do and break entitlements. It will describe my holiday entitlement, how to book it and when the leave year commences and ends. It will also include information on length of notice needed to terminate employment by myself or company. It includes information on training states that I am required to attend mandatory training and about the possibilities of further training. Sickness arrangements, details the procedure to follow if I am ill and statutory sick pay entitlements. Confidentiality is included explain the need for confidentiality due to sensitive nature of the business whilst working and after leaving. Data protection, informs of the need for the company to hold personal information on you. 2.2 Describe the information shown on our own pay statement There is a lot of information shown on your pay statement, the amount of wage before any deduction (gross wage) and also your wage after deductions, the amount of tax and national insurance you have paid, your pay statement will also include your national insurance number, your tax code, your pay rate and also any additional information regarding your pay for example sick pay, holiday pay and over time. 2.3 The procedure to follow in event of a grievance When you have a grievance, you should write to your employer giving them details of your grievance. Include in your letter how you would like your employer to resolve the problem. Date the letter and keep a copy for yourself. Your employer should arrange an initial meeting to discuss your grievance. The main purpose of the meeting should be to establish the facts and find a way to resolve the problem. You have a legal right to take a representative to the meeting with you. To exercise this right, you must make a request to your employer that someone comes with you. Your representative could be, a colleague, union official, or solicitor. After the meeting your employer should, without unreasonable delay, write to you with their decision. They should set out, where appropriate, what action they intend to take to resolve the grievance. 2.4 Identify the personal information that must be kept up to date with own employer There are several things that must be kept up to date with your employer these include: †¢ Name †¢ Address †¢ next of kin †¢ contact number †¢ Education and qualifications 1. List the types of information that are held on your personal record and say why you think they are needed Data an employer can keep about an employee includes: Name Address Date of birth Sex Education and qualifications Work experience National Insurance number Tax code Details of any known disability Emergency contact details They will also keep details about an employee such as: Employment history with the organisation Employment terms and conditions Any accidents connected with work Any training taken Any disciplinary action 2. Who should you inform if you are changing your personal details? You should always keep your employer informed of any changes in your personal details so that their records are up to date and correct, if you have a change in personal details you should inform your manager as soon as possible so that they information they have for you is correct, this is very important in case of an emergency. 3. How should your records be stored and who has a right to see them? Your personal records should be stored safely and securely they should be locked away so that no one can read them, if they are stored on a computer the computer should be password protected. Only your employer and yourself have a right to see your personal records unless you give permission for other people to see them. 2.5 Explain agreed ways of working with employer The agreed ways of working are the codes and policies provided by the employer for the care worker to follow these will include legislation, codes of conducts and employer’s policies and procedures that all care workers should follow when working in a care home setting. It is the responsibility of the care workers to work within the policy guidelines provided and also to ensuring that they are working at the standard expected of them, it is a legal requirement to follow policies and procedures.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Factors Affecting Adolescent Selfesteem Essay - 2187 Words
Factors Affecting Adolescent Selfesteem Adolescence is a time in a person’s development when many changes are occurring. Transitions in an adolescent’s development that take place include physical maturation, shifting educational environments, an increased association with peers, and developed cognitive abilities (Barber Chadwick, 1992). Barber and Chadwick (1992) report that these developments allow the adolescent to consider their value and position in society. They further report that an adolescent’s self-esteem â€Å"can be a useful marker of the success with which he or she is proceeding through this important period†(Barber Chadwick, 1992, p.128). Block and Robins (1993) define self-esteem as: The extent to which one†¦show more content†¦Rosenburg (as cited in Block Robins, 1993), along the same comprehension as James, asserts that an individual’s self-esteem is perceived in terms of the personal qualities in which the person associates to the aspired characteristics of the self as well as the degree of fondness of the perceived self. In other words, an individual’s self esteem is based on characteristics that they view to be important to their self-concept. Verkuyten (1990) further explains this idea by discussing how one person may view himself/herself as being nonathletic, but whether this has negative effects on his/her self-esteem depends upon whether he/she thinks it is important to be good at sports. In their research, Block and Robins (1993) found that self-esteem tends to change in some ways yet is also consistent in the transition from early adolescence to early adulthood and stays continuous in other ways throughout the life span. This notion implies importance for the understanding of adolescent self-esteem, especially if an individual presents a negative self-concept. To understand the ramifications of self-esteem, the elements that have been found to correlate with it need to be explored. Research has found that many components may contribute to the perceived self-esteem of the adolescent. This paper will focus on factors of parental behavior, school transitions, ethnicity, adolescent friendships, and body image in relation to self-esteem. ByShow MoreRelatedOrems Theory7680 Words  | 31 PagesPredictors of Self-Care in Adolescents With Cystic Fibrosis: A Test of Orems Theories of Self-Care and Self-Care Deficit Lois K. Baker, PhD, RN, CPNP Mary J. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Holocaust The Dead Bodies Of Jews - 1584 Words
Siva Naga Raju Talisetty Dana Escobio English-101 30th November, 2015 Topic: Discrimination Word Count - 1,898 Holocaust: The dead bodies of Jews killed in concentration camps during Holocaust Last year during a festival day in my town mass were gathered in streets of Begum pet a part of town to celebrate the Festival. In the crowd a Jew (head of regional Jewish community) was stabbed from the back by a Muslim. He died there due to bleeding. The murder happened because of religious hatreds between the Muslims and Jewish community in that Region. This social norm has all started when Adolph Hitler came into power he started to mass murder the Jews and several other races until the he died. According to Holocast.com, six million Jews were killed in concentration camps and death camps constructed by Nazi Germany regime to persecute the Jews, Slavs, and other races. Sources â€Å"Holocaust†say that â€Å"To the anti-Semitic Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, Jews were an inferior race, an alien threat to German racial purity and community†. The source â€Å"Holocaust†defines Anti Semitism is a discriminative prejudices against Jews based on their culture, religious beliefs and ethnicity. We must protect our fellow human beings who also have every right we have by abolish the practice of Anti Semitism all around the world by fighting against it with commitment and Unity What it is means is that first the basis of antiShow MoreRelated3 stages of the Holocaust1204 Words  | 5 Pages The Holocaust systematically murdered 11 million people across Europe, more than half of those people were Jewish. The Jews were blamed for the German’s failures, such as World War I. As a result, Hitler established anti-Semitism throughout his army and the majority of Europe. The Holocaust consisted of three phases to annihilate the Jews. 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The action taken upon the innocent the dominant leader Adolf Hitler and the members of his group carried out Jews. The websit e classified the term Genocide to commit violent crimes against groups with the intent to destroy the existence of the group. The central issue raised by the site is informing people the awareness of Genocide. When I was looking into theRead MoreThe Holocaust .The Holocaust Was The Murder Of About Six873 Words  | 4 PagesThe Holocaust The Holocaust was the murder of about six million Jews (Meltzer 2) by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis (â€Å"Anti-Semitism†par. 21) that happened in the years of 1933 (â€Å"Introduction To The Holocaust†par. 1) to 1945 (â€Å"Introduction To The Holocaust†par. 12). It took place primarily in Germany, within concentration camps, ghettos, and death camps (â€Å"Introduction To The Holocaust†par. 1) run by Hitler and the Nazis made to persecute the Jews. The Holocaust was the persecution of 6Read MoreThe Holocaust1225 Words  | 5 PagesEnglish 2 8 May 2014 The Holocaust The Holocaust was one of the world’s darkest hours, a mass murder conducted in the shadows of the world’s most deadly war. The Holocaust also known as Shoah, means a systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews during the WWII by German Nazi. Adolf Hitler the leader of Nazis, who afraid Jews would take power over Germans; also, many Germans felt they were mistreated by the lost so Jews were like a scapegoat fromRead MoreSymbolism Of The Film And The Mouse Hole1386 Words  | 6 Pagesduring the Holocaust. Both the film and novel share similar and different symbols. Two of the biggest symbolic details of the novel and film is The little girl in the red coat who appeared throughout the film and the mouse hole which was talked about in the novel. The last but not the least symbols are the list, the animals, and the black and white scenes. The list both appeared throughout the film and novel giving a big impact to t he Jewish people that were included in the Holocaust, The black andRead MoreThe Holocaust : The Nazi Attempt774 Words  | 4 PagesEnglish 8 Block 3 Mrs. Guidry 8 February 2017 The Holocaust The Holocaust was the Nazi attempt to wipe out the Jewish race (Rossel 12). The Holocaust took place from 1933 to 1945 (Rossel 12). The Holocaust took place in Europe, mainly Germany (â€Å"Introduction†par 3). Mainly Jewish and Nazi people were involved in the Holocaust, as well as some Gypsies (â€Å"Introduction†par 2, 3). The Holocaust was the persecution of 6 million Jews and millions of others forced to live in ghettos, deportedRead More Children of the Holocaust Essay1634 Words  | 7 PagesOver one million Jewish children died during the Holocaust. They were ripped out of their homes and taken away from their families, and stripped of their childhoods. Innocent lives were caught in a war that they were not able to stop. When Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, he promised Germany that he would improve life their by getting rid of the one race that caused the problems, the Jews. Jews, including Jewish children, were sent to concentration camps, inspecte d, and if approved, were sentRead MoreWhy Did The Holocaust End?878 Words  | 4 PagesLiberation of the Holocaust was a very joyful, yet devastating time period for the Jews and others that were under control of the Nazi forces. It was their release from a long imprisonment, but also the time that they realized that some of their most loved ones had not survived. The Jews went through excruciating pain during the time of the Holocaust. And proven by facts, many to most Jews did not make it to the end. The Holocaust, according to Merriam-Webster, is defined as, â€Å"the killing ofRead MoreThe Terrible Acts of Rwandan Genocide1296 Words  | 6 PagesIn between 1930 and 1945, an event took place that changed the world in many ways. The Holocaust was a genocide that consisted of the decimation of one single race, the Jews. This solemn event is very similar (and also quite different) to another event that took place only four thousand miles away. Like the Holocaust, this eve nt is was a genocide and it took place at Rwanda in 1994. This genocide was between the Hutus and Tutsis. These two groups have a long background with each other that consisted
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